Cigarettes control with Metrix OD

Save costs and ensure the continuity of product quality !

During their production it is very important to manage product profitability through a consistent tobacco fill :

  • To protect product quality and smoking experience by reducing breakage, air pockets and loose filters through a consistent and compact tobacco fill
  • To identify the most efficient and cost-effective product control


METRIX OD is an outer diameter control solution well-adapted to controlling cigarette diameters – an indicator of tobacco fill. It is equipped with :

  • A contactless, pneumo-electronic transducer that therefore doesn’t damage the rod
    – In which the rod being manufactured can “flow”
    – Able to measure with a 5 µm accuracy
  •  Software for recording and analyzing measured diameters, and for drift detection alerts

Software can dynamically correct manufacturing parameters!



The control solution is online and :
• Is signficantly faster than manual control
• Is as close as possible to the manufacturing process so able to detect drift very early
• Quickly and dynamically corrects process parameters

The solution therefore improves profitability by quickly detecting and correcting for any off-spec cigarette production.


Need experts advices on your project feasibility? Contact us!

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