The latest news from SETSMART

Whether a seminar, market news, new content, upcoming trade shows, product innovation, promotions, customer feedback or other topical news and events, we strive to keep you informed.


Catégories : Technologies

Extrait : Improve your production For nearly 25 years, KEP Technologies Group accrued strong experience and expertise in the strive to build ever more efficient solutions.  …

Catégories : Technologies

Extrait : How to apply flowmeter technology to aperture measurements ? Pneumatic metrology can be used to ensure spray actuators control in industrial sectors such as cosmetics…

Catégories : Technologies

Extrait : μCATI Software for enhanced dimension control μCATI is Setsmart’s software solution to enhance the dimensions and geometry controls of most METRIX lines products. It includes…

Catégories : Markets

Extrait : Ensure the quality of the orthopaedic implants you produce For an orthopaedic implants manufacturer (hip or knee prostheses, for example) dimensional checks aim to ensure…

Catégories : Markets

Extrait : Defense devices are complex systems whose mechanical features are key. It is important to control the dimensions of their components as they must fit perfectly…

Catégories : Markets / Setsmart news / Technologies

Extrait : Hydrogen is part of a comprehensive energy portfolio that can provide energy stability, economic value and environmental benefits for a variety of applications. It can…

Catégories : Markets

Extrait : The requirements of the automotive sector are unique: very large volumes of parts and a quality control that does not tolerate any error. The inspection…

Catégories : Markets

Extrait : The requirements of the Automotive industry are unique with large volumes of parts and a standard of quality control that cannot tolerate errors. The control…

Catégories : Setsmart news

Extrait : Despite the wide reaching impacts of the current health crisis, the CALZARONI family have had good reason to proceed with a further 5 million euro…


Catégories : Markets

Extrait : Benefit from the subsidies for french SMEs and mid-cap companies as part of the Recovery Plan: up to 40% within the limit of € 200,000,…

Welcome to Setsmart’s new digital presence


Catégories : Setsmart news

Extrait : To provide our customers and partners with a more enjoyable and seamless brand experience, we’ve been working hard on a new digital interface that we’re pleased…

Solex Metrology becomes Setsmart

Catégories : Setsmart news

Extrait : We are excited to introduce a holistic brand relaunch !  Since the acquisition of Solex Metrology by KEP Technologies, and in-line with our global growth, we have now expanded our offer beyond pneumatic control.…